Dipesh Naigaonkar Apps

Orthopedic Quiz Pro Volume#1 1.0.0
Dipesh Naigaonkar
After Neurology quiz we bring you first volumeof Orthopedic quiz to help you test your understanding of theorthopedics terminologies.The quiz covers questions on bones, nerves, muscles, joints andrelated diseases.This quiz will be particularly useful for students of medicaland allied health sciences such as physiotherapy, occupationaltherapy, nursing etc.This pro version is divided into 5 quiz sets focusing on variousdiseases of bones and joints with 75 quality questions.If you are satisfied with the quiz quality then please LIKE itspage on Facebook and/or rate on Google Play/ Market.Although due care has been taken in providing accurate answers,however should you find any ambiguity/ incorrectness then pleasemail your feedback/ suggestions at [email protected] : Dr.Gurdeep Sakkarwal (PT) and Dr. MaitreyiNaigaonkar (PT)
Neurology Quiz Pro Volume#2 1.0.0
We are back with another Neurology Quiz!Heartfelt Thanks for the Facebook likes and feedback.The 12 Cranial Nerves are responsible for functioning of theentire head, neck and face.Facial expressions, taste, smell, vision and hearing happen due tothe action and interaction of these nerves.Every nerve when injured in isolation or in combination withanother nerve results in many diseases and syndromes that aredifficult to memorize.This Neurology Quiz divided into three sets concentrates on theAnatomy, Physiology and Pathology of these Cranial Nerves.
Neurology Quiz Pro Volume#1 1.0.0
Dipesh Naigaonkar
Here's the paid version after the Lite!Thanks guys for the likes and feedback.Neurology quiz has been designed with an intention of easyrecapitulation of the subject.Neurology is a vast subject with myriad terms; remembering andrecalling them is a tough job.This quiz will be particularly useful for students of medical andallied health sciences such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy,nursing etc.This pro version is divided into 7 quiz sets focusing on variousparts and diseases affecting the brain.Total questions > 100.If you are satisfied with the quiz quality then please LIKE itspage on Facebook and/or rate on Google Play/ Market.Although due care has been taken in providing accurate answers,however should you find any ambiguity/ incorrectness then pleasemail your feedback/ suggestions at [email protected] now no more panic stricken faces before the exams..again!
Battery Low SMS 1.0.3
This application sends the canned SMS texttothe recipient when your phone battery gets low.If you are wondering - Why would I ever need to inform "my"phonebattery level to "anyone" ?Well.. there are numerous reasons viz.Use cases:# When you want to intimate your dear ones that theyshouldn'tworry if your phone is not reachable- as your phonebattery isgetting down. May want to indicate your alternate number/friend'sname in the message.e.g Hi Dad, my phone might run out of battery in sometime, I amwithmy basketball team celebrating today's victory in pool.Phone's notin my pocket ofcourse ;).# When your elder ones forget to charge their androidsmartphones, then configure this app to inform yourself whenevertheirphone battery gets low.e.g Autotext: Me to myself ! Its time to be at the helm to putoncharge Mom's phone !!Mail me if you make use of it in any other better way - yougetthe credit!Q: Why this app does not allow me to select thebatterypercentage at which SMS should be sent ?A: To send message at a user selected level, the applicationwillthen require to constantly process at each battery level changeforthe match- which eventually drains more battery asaside-effect.Thus to avoid this battery sapping, this app simply sits idleuntilAndroid itself declares a low battery state, which isgenerally 15%- a source code configurable value set by your phonemanufacturerstock/ custom rom developer.Q: Why this app does not start automatically on phone boot?A: IMHO any app which involves direct cost to the end-user (e.gSMScharges) should first acquire consent explicity before operating-nothing should be sneaky !
Remind me when @ 1.0.6
"Remind me when @" is a Location based (wifi) reminder notificationapplication. For privacy concerns it only allows to registerlocation if the user is authorized to connect to the wifi network.Thus you can set a reminder message such as placing safe reachingcall or completing tasks/ making payments on reaching any locationsuch as office/ home. The application neither uses GPS norcell/wifi based coarse location triangulation - it relies on onlythe connected wifi network SSID.
Neurology Quiz Volume#1 Lite 2.0.0
Neurology quiz has been designed withanintention of easy recapitulation of the subject.Neurology is a vast subject with myriad terms; rememberingandrecalling them is a tough job.This quiz will be particularly useful for students of medicalandallied health sciences such as physiotherapy, occupationaltherapy,nursing etc.This quiz has been divided into chapters and volumes thatfocuson each part of the nervous system and related diseases.This question bank is slated to be distributed in volumes-comprising of this free Lite version andremainingpro-versions.The pro-versions shall soon be available in severalvolumesaveraging 70 questions per volume.If you are satisfied with the quiz quality then please LIKE itspageon Facebook and/or rate on Google Play/ Market.Although due care has been taken in providing accurateanswers,however should you find any ambiguity/ incorrectness thenpleasemail your feedback/ [email protected] now no more panic stricken faces before the exams !